Monday, June 18, 2012

24 Weeks

6 months!!  Holy crap!! I feel like my belly really popped out after my 20 week photo.  I definitely look pregnant, and people are no longer afraid to ask when I'm due for fear of angering a woman who is simply disproportionately chubby.  On the other hand, my boss eyed my belly and said something about my being "gone soon" to which I replied "October isn't THAT soon" and he laughed because, no, it isn't, and yet, how freaking huge am I going to be by then?!  *sigh*  Maybe I should lay off the pudding cups.

Look, not in the ladies room at work!
I took and passed my glucose tolerance test with flying colors, only crashing on the couch for a little while with a raging headache in the late afternoon. I expected it, though, and Chris was on hand for baby-wrangling while I recovered from the sugar crash.  I don't know WHAT I'm going to do with two kids.  TWO. KIDS.  And a full time job and a partner with a full time job and daycare is so expensive, my GOD. I've been really fortunate in my daycare situation thus far.  My mom is able to watch Kawika 4 mornings a week and Chris watches him all day Mondays and every afternoon.  That will change when Little Dude gets here, and I have yet to hash out the details of HOW, but I know that it MUST, for this arrangement simply won't work for two.  But I don't have the energy or the will to freak out about that right this moment.  Matter of fact, I think I'll go find some more pudding.

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