Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yesterday was Chris's birthday.  I had planned to come home from work and do all of our normal evening stuff while simultaneously making a (very easy) cake to celebrate.  I would also put off dinner for Chris and myself, so that we might have an evening/dinner together without the baby.  Heaven forbid.  And apparently Murphy's Law dictates that it was not to happen, too.  It was a disaster.  Let me tell you about it.

First, the cake.  It actually turned out VERY well.  I think.  It LOOKED great, and when I turned it out of the baking dish, a teeny bit stuck to the glass and I tried it and it was delicious.  However, that's all the cake I got.  That's all the cake anyone got, birthday boy included.  At least, until he got home from work around 1 AM.  Then he had more.  I know because I saw that it was cut into this morning as I was packing my lunch, but it was very sad, with a couple of slices missing and the unlit candles still stuck in the top.

Then, the dinner.  Kawika ate his happily and without complaint.  He had leftover noodles with steamed veggies, a slice of cheese, and strawberries for dessert.  I also gave him a taste of frosting when I was icing the cake.  He wasn't too impressed, but I'm totally OK with that.  No more sweets for you, kiddo! 

The dinner I was going to make for Chris and myself wasn't anything complicated.  He wanted Loco Moco, a Hawaiian dish consisting of rice, a hamburger patty with gravy, and a fried egg on top.  Certainly not very nutritious or health-conscious, but you're entitled to eat whatever you want on your birthday, I say. 

Chris had gone out to meet some cousins and friends "DUDE, COME HAVE A DRINK, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!" and promised to be back "soon" and asked me to hold off on cooking, unless I was hungry.  I wasn't, so he left, and I hung out with Kawika.  Kawika started doing his "sleepy" stuff around 6:30 so I tossed him in the bathtub, hoping Chris would make it home in time for goodnight kisses at 7. 


We drew the bath out a little since K was having so much fun, and by the time he was out of the tub and getting into jammies, Chris was back home and starving.  I started to cook, knowing I shouldn't have, since K wasn't in bed yet, but Chris volunteered to put him to bed because he was hungry and I was the food machine, apparently. 

We spent the next 2 hours tag-teaming trying to get Kawika to go to sleep.  I don't know why last night was so different.  I don't know why he decided to be difficult the ONE night in over 2 weeks that it's been even remotely important to me that he go to bed and stay there.  He's been a great sleeper lately.  We do our little bedtime routine, he goes to sleep, he stays asleep until I get him up in the morning to go to grandma's for day care. 

Perhaps it was because Chris didn't follow the routine.  That was my first thought.  The first time we switched off because Chris was hot, hungry, and frustrated, and I'd finished cooking the burgers and the rice (but not the gravy or eggs), I tried the routine.  I pulled him out of his crib, gave him his sippy of milk, we read 2 books, brushed teeth, and went back to his chair to snuggle up.  Singing, rocking, and snuggles, then back in the crib.  2 minutes later, BAM crying baby.  Chris went back in to soothe him and I returned to the stove to make the gravy and eggs.

Finished making the gravy and eggs, and Kawika still won't go to sleep.  So I tried my hand again.  I finally got him down and went back to the kitchen.  Chris was already on the couch with a plate "Sorry babe, I tried to wait for you..."  It's fine, really, I knew he was hungry and by this point any illusions I'd had of a nice "grownup" evening before he had to go to work were shattered.  I made a plate and went to join him on the couch.  I'd just sat down when... BAM crying baby.

And I let him cry.  He wasn't screeching this time, or hyperventilating, or even sobbing, really.  He was whining, interspersed with snuffles and the occasional wail, then silence.  I know not every parent subscribes to CIO, and normally, neither do I.  But both of us had been at this for close to 2 hours.  We were BOTH hungry, and hot, and frustrated.  I was eating dinner at 9 instead of my usual 6:30 so I was feeling a little woozy.  And dang it, Kawika was FINE.  He just wanted US, and come ON, KID, I WANT 15 MINUTES TO EAT, OVER HERE.

We finished dinner, and Chris asked if I wanted him to go back in.  I said no, I'd take care of it.  And I did.  By the time I emerged at 9:45, Kawika was out stone cold, the dinner dishes were cold on the counter, and Chris was getting ready for work. 

"I'm sorry your birthday sucked so bad,"  I told him, on the verge of tears.  "I don't know what his deal was tonight."   He just sighed and told me not to worry about the dishes; he'd clean up when he got home.  We exchanged "love yous" and he went to work.  I cleaned the kitchen, gave Wonton a few scraps, and fell into bed around 11.  We didn't even get to eat the cake.

This morning, when I went to wake Kawika up, he was still dead to the world asleep.


Whatever, kid, your cute little butt in the air won't make me forget about last night.  Well, not entirely.  Come here, imma pinch your buns and smooch your face!!

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