Friday, August 17, 2012

Not Bad For A Thursday

We're in the middle of a real PNW heat wave.  The temperatures have been over 85 degrees MULTIPLE DAYS in a row, with yesterday's temperature nearing 100 degrees, and a forecast for the same (if not hotter) today.  UGH.

Yesterday, my friend Kate invited Kawika and me over to her sister in law's house.  Kate and her husband Andrew are house-sitting this week, and Andrew's sister's house has a pool.  A heated, in-ground pool.  This is a rarity here in Vancouver.  At least, I think it's a rarity.  I didn't have any friends growing up who had pools, let alone heated, in-ground pools.  As an adult I know a handful of other adults who have pools.  But who needs a pool here?  It rains 9 months a year and the other 3 we rarely get above 85 degrees, which is totally bearable.  Anyway.  They have a pool.  It is too hot outside. We get to use the pool.  Heck yes!

We went swimming!  After I got home from work, I packed up some swim gear and the kiddo and we drove to Kate's SIL's house for some Popeye's on the back porch, followed by much gleeful splashing, floating, and general watery fun.

Sharky trunks!
 Also, watermelon.  Lots of watermelon, in Kawika's case.  What can he say?  It was good!  I'm not usually a fan of watermelon.  The texture weirds me out and the flavor is underwhelming.  Kate apparently knows the secret to picking a fantastic watermelon though, for this one was tasty, not mealy, and juicy.  I guess the secret for the extra pop of flavor is a sprinkling of lime juice.  Who knew??  I ate two pieces myself.

Nom nom nom

Nom nom nom nom nom
I only wish I'd gotten some photos of Kawika actually IN the pool, but I was too busy trying to keep him from drowning himself.  The boy has no caution!  He literally jumped off the edge of the pool into the water with zero regard for what comes AFTER the oh-so-fun jump.  Hint: mouthful of water, coughing.  Followed by accusing glares at momma "WHY DID YOU LET ME DO THAT, MOM?" 

After swimming we had snacks, drank some Gatorade, and packed up to go home.  Good thing he was already in cozy, dry jammies, because he zonked out in the car.  It was only about 8 pm, but he didn't wake up when I got him out of his car seat, when Wonton barked hello, or when I transferred him to his crib and smooched his fuzzy head.  Aahhh, the deep sleep of an exhausted waterbaby! 

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