Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ghost Stories

I had a dream last night.  This is not anything particularly out of the ordinary, especially now that I'm pregnant, since my pregnancy dreams seem to be more vivid and easier to remember.  But it was a different kind of dream, and it has me feeling pretty emotional this morning.

I dreamed that my great grandpa was hanging around, keeping an eye on my son.  Now, I met my great grandpa when I was an infant, but he died when I was still tiny and I don't really remember him very well.  His wife, however, I was close to as a child and she died when I was a pre-teen.  In the dream, great grandpa J was watching over Kawika, but wasn't really at peace, so strange things would happen around our house, like doors closing or items moving.  In the dream, I knew it was him, and I shouldn't be scared, but it still worried me that he didn't seem at peace.  Then great grandma J came, and fixed whatever was wrong, and they were happy there together, watching over Kawika.  I felt the energy change and knew she'd come, knew she'd made things right.  And then I got to see them, together, dancing slowly to music I couldn't hear, outside under the stars.  And I cried because I was so happy to see them together and know that they were there with me and my son, watching over us.  And then I woke up, crying.

When I dropped K off at my mom's this morning I told her about the dream.  She smiled and said "It's because you have their bowls at your house now."  And I was surprised, thinking back on the gift she'd given me for Mother's Day last week:  a beautiful set of myrtle wood salad bowls, with a large myrtle wood serving bowl and the wooden serving utensils.  When she gave them to me she said that they'd been her mom's, but not that they'd belonged to HER mom before her, which apparently they did.  Then my mom said "I always felt like Grandpa J was here with me too." 

Although I've never before wondered if any other members of my family had hung around to keep an eye on things, secretly, I've always felt like one or the other of my great grandparents Jorgensen were there.  I couldn't tell you why if you asked, but it's true.  Call me superstitious or silly... it's still true.  Hearing my mom say those things this morning... it didn't give me a chill, but instead it felt like validation.

Usually, I am a very rational person.  If I can't see it, touch it, hear it, etc. it's probably not real.  I allow the "probably" because I am so very rational and my rational brain has to allow that it might not know everything there is to know in the universe.  And although I consider myself to be very grounded, I still get spooked by ghost stories and believe in Karma.  So it's not too far outside my realm of believability to think that my great grandparents pop in to check on us every now and then.

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