I celebrated my 28th birthday on Monday. Well, celebrated is kind of exaggerating a bit, as I didn't do much to commemorate the occasion. Kawika had his 4 month checkup in the morning and it went really well. He weighed 17 pounds even and was 27 inches long. That's 75th and 100th percentiles, respectively. Doc was impressed with the consonant noises he was making and how he was able to sit with very little support. We discussed solids and sleep, and K seems to be doing very well.
Doc says the slobber is normal... LOL |
Speaking of solids, so far we've tried sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, and pears, all of which he's pretty ambivalent about. He was more enthusiastic about the green beans and seemed to like pears the least. Go figure. Tonight we try... what? I've got bananas, peaches, and squash for him, and I'd like to get peas and plums. Maybe bananas. This is the highlight of my day, thinking about Kawika trying a new food. Sad?
We're pretty well settled in the new house; just hanging up art now and looking for a few finishing touches that we didn't need before, like a wall mount for our TV. My cousin is looking for a room to rent and I told her to come check out our 3rd bedroom. We could certainly use a few hundred bucks a month and I know we could live together; she's so chill.
Work has been very busy; just trying to keep up with all the demands of my new position. My additional boss (I can't say "new" since I still have both my "old" ones) has lots to do and not enough time to do it in, so he leans on me pretty heavily. I enjoy it, since I eventually hope to take over his position at our location here and he can go back to managing 1 location (elsewhere). Don't worry, that's his plan, too.
Work is kind of exciting lately because we're getting ready for our holiday party. It's a few months out, yes, but the planning and purchasing starts now and I've booked us a great location this year: Rock Bottom. Their banquet space has pool tables, TV's, darts... their catering menu looks great, and there's a full bar downstairs for those who like to party after the party (myself included). We're doing something a little different for door prizes this year... more on that in another post to come. It's very exciting though!
I'm supposed to watch Kalae & Corinna's kids tomorrow night and I'm kiiiiind of dreading it. Not because the kids are horrible or anything (they're great!) but just because I know it will be a late night and my Friday morning will arrive way too quickly and last far too long. There's no way to get Kawika home with Chris so I'm going to have him there with me all night, which will surely interrupt his routine... There's got to be a better way to do this... maybe my mom can take Kawika to my house when Chris gets home! Perfect. I'm a genius!
Hey, if I can't say it, who can?