The last one of all of us turned out beautifully, but it didn't transfer well to the computer. It's sepia-tone, and IRL it's 11x14, so it's a nice big photo for us to put in our house. Kawika was really cooperative; he'd just had a nap and a snack, so he was game to make all kinds of adorable faces for the photographer. She was actually really great, and if we can get her again, we'll probably go back.
Kawika has recently started walking, as long as he has someone to walk to. He can take 6 or 7 steps in a row now; it's pretty impressive. He gets so excited, too, his whole face lights up and he squeals and laughs as he's running the last couple of steps to fall into your arms. It's completely charming, and totally enough to make me forget what a pain he is at night now that he's cutting a molar. He's started using other words besides "doggy," "mama," "dada," and "uh-oh." He now makes a noise that sounds something like "wee-yoo-wee-yoo-wee-yoo" and it's super cute.
We had his birthday party on Saturday. It turned out really well; the food was great, there were no tantrums or meltdowns, despite K only having 1 nap totaling just under an hour long. The guava cake I made turned out nicely, and Kawika really enjoyed his cupcake.
My friends Kate, Mallory, Timo, and Cassey all came by, which made my day. Mal & Timo couldn't stay long since they were headed to Eugene to cheer on our friend Aki while he ran a marathon. Go Aki!! Kate brought her 10-week old daughter Fiona and I got in some quality teeny-baby snuggle time. Cassey brought Maddox and Peyton, and I'm so glad she made it! Cassey hasn't been feeling well lately and I really appreciate that she came =) Apparently Maddox (who is clearly the best big sister ever) cried the whole way home about missing "vika." SO CUTE.
Anyway, photos:
The Birthday Boy! |
Cousins Kawai (2) and Mahea (7) |
The guava chiffon cake! |
Kawika with my Dad =) |
My back was hurting really bad last week so I found a chiropractor who's certified in the Weber (prenatal) method. I found one close to home, who specializes in it, and he's in-network! Triple score! Plus, when I went in last week just to pick up my new patient paperwork, he said he could fit me in, no problem, so I got an adjustment last week. I've slowly been feeling better, but I'm definitely excited that I have another appointment today.
My next ultrasound (next Monday the 7th) cannot come fast enough. I'm so anxious to find out what we're having and then push my name choices down Chris's throat. =) LOL.